Thursday, 8 February 2018


Gladys Njoki Waweru

By John Paul

Gladys Njoki Waweru is a songwriter and a singer , born and raised  in Nakuru Kenya .She is a promising gospel musician . Gladys began  her career in late 2016 .By  2017 she had already recorded a few  singles  .

 She went for Solo videos and audios located at Nyamakima in Nairobi.Speaking of challenges ,  inadequate finances  ,stiff competition and lack of  good mentor-ship are just but a tip of the iceberg,she faced a lot at the beginning  .

The go-getter musician aspires to own her own production house ,to acquire  her own car in order  to supply her DVDs CDs with ease .her part time is majorly spent on encouraging and mentoring  upcoming artistes both spiritually and talent wise.."There is victory for   those in the Lord", she says .

Gladys is famed for song such as Siku Njema,Mungu Akupiganie,Possible,Wi bata kwi nyoni,ndiri na thiri and many more .

Keep it here at Bonyeza Star for more on Gladys Njoki Waweru media tour that will be happening in a few weeks to come. Call her via 0727688973 for bookings and to buy her CD.

Monday, 5 February 2018


Tony Collins addresses comrades during the last Campus Preview event held in Kisumu,Roan club last month

By Linda Owiti

As campus politics rises to a climax in Maseno University ,the Dwaleh Law is still a factor to consider leaving many aspiring campus politicians stranded as to what will unfold after the delegation cast.

Maseno University this evening coiled an outfit dubbed Sabasaba as House of Sirikwa and House of Rasamu spoke one voice as they endorsed their best candidates for the race.

In the race of SC Sports and Entertainment ,the Sultan ,better known as Tony Collins finally got even more closer to victory leaving his competitors wallowing in independent solitude.

Tony Collins has been the man to watch ever since he began his quest for the one of the most vital of SOMU offices. Leaving no stone unturned and no event unattended.

The third year student of Drama and Theatre Studies admits the race hasnt been easy upto this point, especially with the continuous de-campaigning trend witnessed from his rival camp.

Tony Collins however is keen on putting his mouth where his ears belong and glaring his eyes to the final whistle blower ,the delegate.

Tony Collins ( Centre) consults with Maseno big shots ,Rapper Lang Katalang and current Mr. Maseno Churchill Okoth

Speaking to Bonyeza Star this evening Tony exhibited total confidence in his team notwithstanding his likelyhood to lure more followers even if the Dwale law would be scrapped off.

His tactical moves in conjunction with chain of connection in the university is unexplained.A man of the people they call him except for his down to earth and remorseful lifestyle.

Tony Collins is not only a sound engineer but also and actor and talent promoter . He hails from the House of Sirikwa from whose endorsement came overwhelming support. That aside he is a darling of all regardless of tribe .

Sabasaba outfit comes at a time when campus chairman Fred Makajos and his Secretary General counterpart Linus Sang are keen on replacing the incumbent with a more stronger force than the current regime's Zagazaga.

Other big harvesters of the Sabasaba outfit include Mugah (Presidency) , Wesly (Sec Gen),Immaculate ( Treasurer) , Tumbo ( Gender ) among  others


 By John Paul 

BS:Who exactly is Christian Prince

C.P : Am a bongo  artiste, who  appreciates and loves talent currently penetrating the music market with my singles  'Usiende' and 'Dogo dogo' which have  a great impact to my personal life.

B.S : Any challenges you have faced so far in the industry ?

C.P : Even though there have been a few challenges  since childhood ,I have never  lost  hope especially after being accepted  into AG Media House courtesy of Producer  Tony Touch.His  flavor has given me  me a turn around to forget my past and press on.

B.S : Tell us about your musical journey 

C.P : My life in music has been a challenge. I began way back in high school. Back then I was very young and people who were in a better position to help me  at some point became my biggest rivals  and it wasn’t easy.

B.S : How did you get in touch with Producer Tony Touch ?

C.P:  Actually when  I was at  Safi Records.Life then became a long way when we tried  to record songs but many things were missing. I  did not lose hope .I kept  on struggling to make sure my talent   brought a  great difference in my life.

B.S : You happen to have recorded at E.M.B Records recently, are you looking forward to be their artiste too.?

C.P :After a short while I got some support when I recorded  a new hit 'Dogo dogo' with  EMB Records which had a great impact in  my life and music career .However I still thank Tony Touch for coming in to help me market the Dogodogo single .
Usiende however is a song I want to say is going to put me at par with some of the icons I look upto musically.