Tuesday 20 September 2016


Asiago, Makajos, Sang

So far its been a season of much more peaceful campaign period at Maseno University with polls drawing closer and closer.Statistics and analysis has it that the two most influential contestants for the SOMU presidential seat are most definitely Fred Makajos and Gideon Wafula both whom have shown possibilities of winning the race.

Makajos & Kinywa

He just recently completed his diploma studies at the Maseno University City campus and is currently enrolled for a degree program at the main campus.This explains the source of his huge following and influence at the city campus.Back at the main campus ,Makajos political strategy might pave him way owing to the fact that his team is widely outsourced.
Brightstar Kasyoka

First and foremost Makajos has been endorsed by  Rasamu (House of wajaka) which is the biggest house in Maseno University.Secondly his closest allies include Isaac Kinyua who is said to be the kingpin of the Kikuyu  ,vying for the post of Vice President,Linus Sang of the Kalenjin community who is vying for the position of Secretary General ,Tony Asiago from the Kisii community vying for the position of deputy sec gen and Ukambani's best choice Brightstar Kasyoka who is vying for the position of Finance Secretary.

Wafula & Marucha during a campaign rally

He is well versed with the outgoing SOMU having been able to win the trust and support of the outgoing President Bonface Oduory and the entire Luhya community.Rumor however has it that he is the darling of the administration  much as to his team is Chris Marucha from Kisii who is vying for the position of Sec Gen,only .
Mike Odoyo

Going by history Wafula believes that there being three Luo contestants Fred Makajos,Mike Odoyo and Haron Palo ,he might end up customizing on that to emerge the winner.
Bonface Oduory once pulled the same move and made it to the top after thwarting Haron Palo with the help of Siome.Oduory's team however looks similar to that of Makajos in the sense that he had Beth Wanyoro who is Kikuyu and Misiani who is Meru among others,something Wafula lacks.

It's believed that at the onset of campaigns Felix Scott was leading in terms of resources and  following although his grades couldn't let him proceed..So far  Mike Odoyo is the baba yao of cashflow with rumor that he has a flamboyant politician ,friend or relative,backing him up.He drives a Mark X around.
We all know Palo drives around in a white land cruiser,prado  or something of the sort,correct me if am wrong.Wafula however has not declared his campaign instruments though he has been seen lately with Chris Marucha campaigning using a Pick Up Nissan amid support from the outgoing SOMU and a few politicians in the mainstream.
Haron Palo

Meanwhile its not over untill it is hence  Makajos and Wafula seem closer to seeing the light come the end of polls.Otherwise we continue to welcome your views with regard to who your favorite is  and your reason behind him or her.

Jerry Timbwa for entertainment

Jerry Timbwa for entertainment

Jerry Timbwa for entertainment

The new kid on the entertainment block also known as the ladies man JERRY TIMBWA   seems to be carrying the day .Keep it here for more information

email us via bonyezastar@gmail.com

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