Thursday 2 March 2017


Migori Senator Wilfred Machage and ODM party leader Raila amollo Odinga

 By Byron Ouko Oginga
The white bearded doctor has left his seat for scramble among the hopefuls willing to replace him. Its a seat that has attracted over 10 aspirants across the county from different constituencies.
Dr. Machage has done a recommendable job and made exemplary contributions at the senate health committee that shall remain in the history of this nation. On accountability and leadership responsibility the two term legislature bags home a lot credits on track record. 

Going by age he is one of the most experienced politicians from the minority Kuria community with a lot of connections and influence in the government.
But the old young  man did not observe the first law of Robert green’s 48 laws of power of outshining his master by citing a responsibility excuse and his upper house mandates. He brought down the reputation he ought to have guarded for he has built it on endless efforts. His fall out with ODM party leader Raila Odinga has seen a topple in Sen. Machage political career, he failed to pledge loyalty to the party leader something that would have intensified his relations within the ODM party and elevate his public relations among the discontented electorates. May be the old young  man got tired of expressing his sycophancy openly for in any case he has nothing to lose because by opting for a re-election at the parliamentary seat would mean a polite resignation from political limelight.

Even though he comes from the biggest clan in Kuria West , this is no guarantee of winning. For the incumbent Hon. Mathias Robi has vowed to end the old man political career and ODM hopeful Mr. Bohoko has criticized the old young  man on fair grounds and is keen to face him at the ballot with no option but to win. Ridiculously, they don’t realise or if they know it they assume it that the old man is a genius in boardroom strategies, anointed with wisdom and has within Kuria his cronies who serve as implementation vessels.

Hon.Mathias Robi
Well, one who the previous party nominations did not favour Hon. Magaiwa is currently concentrating his effort to senate race again. To him he sees the light from a different perspective that being the only candidate from Kuria he will bag all the Kuria votes and top it up by unknown Luo Migori votes, this is a misplaced political thought because not all Kurias will vote him as his competitors will also penetrate the region and sell their policies and their personalities will attract the same voters to an extent.

Because Dr. Machage has not met the electorates expectations, this leaves Magaiwa at the mercy of the electorate by identity of a Kuria. The notion here is being unreliable and once elected he shall be a Nairobi senator who will never visit the ground at any given moment. Secondly, looking at the voting pattern at the previous elections I find it hard with any Kuria candidate at the county representative posts because majority of the Luos consider it a betrayal after delivering two seats to the Kuria people, they still failed to deliver their votes to Raila Odinga. This is still fresh in their voting mentality anytime. 

Thirdly ,although he who acquires the party nomination certificate has an upper hand of carrying the mantle home brings us to think about how free and fair the party primaries are going to be conducted. ODM  being a party with key insiders who reap big from various aspirants by giving hope of finding them the certificate, being an elective period the mini cartels at the party headquarters have opened their mouth widely to consume from false PR for its their harvesting period, these are people every aspirant must exchange hands with.So by party and its structures over there Hon. Magaiwa and the rest of the aspirants must be ready to anticipate the consequences of if not.
Hon.Magaiwa (center) alongside Governor Obado (left) and Hon.Raila Odinga (right) during a past function

Who merits in terms of party loyalty in the senate race of Migori? My answer is none, because all those eyeing the mantle are all friends of Raila and all claim intensified ties with him. So if at all rewards are to favour any one then Magaiwa carry’s the day being one the pioneers of FOR A.
He is going to face a sharp lawyer and former county assembly speaker Hon,Gordon Ogolla who is  forms the party legal experts team, this neutralizes the pulling forces and calls on personal efforts to reach wanainchi for ultimate decision making. 

Eddy Muok Ratego
Additionally, RAO is known for keeping and listening to his old friends no matter how irrelevant they are, to an extent he even rewards them against majority expectations. This uplift former Migori  legislature  Owino Likowa to the limelight for he is key ally of RAO even with negligible following at the ground.
Therefore, Hon. Magaiwa would have sought an alternative political career and quit the senate race because the summation isn’t clear to favour anyone from any communal background, 

Former Migori County Assembly speaker Gordon Ogolla.
otherwise  legal expert Gordon Ogolla was born an exemplary professional and his entry into the political gamble is seen as suicidal, for he is a newcomer and he has a lot to answer from the people before he gets any vote, ranging from why he was kicked out of assembly as the speaker, even his fellow aspirants are keen on this and at the right time he should prepare his shield.

If we were to adhere to political experience and mastery of national events, and without this many aspirants, Dr. Machage would have face it off with Owino Likowa or any other person with long vast political experience.

Hon Owino Likowa during a past ODM campaign rally.

On sincere grounds, the likes of Eddy Muok’s ambitions at the senate is a hogwash because he is not utilizing his youthfulness maturely and accordingly. He would have remained of big relevance and importance if he face it off with Suna west legislature Hon.Joseph Obiero Ndiege. The political career ladder has no shortcuts. Every step counts.In the mean time I wish all other senatorial hopefuls the very best.


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