Thursday 9 March 2017


Hon. Ochilo Ayacko

By Byron Ouko 
Migori County is the most volatile among Nyanza regions  politically , with keen and turf political heavyweights such Hon, Junet Mohamed the  ODM director of elections , former two-term legislature, minister and retired chairman of Kenya Nuclear Energy board Hon. Ochilo Ayacko, wife to Nyatike Mp Mrs. Ann Omodho Anyanga, Paul Odola who was once in powerful managerial position in SONY Company ,and Engineer Mark Nyamita. The ultimate focus of these giants is to unseat the incumbent Governor  Okoth Obado, a former classroom  teacher turned politician. All questions pointing at the house on the hill as to  who shall carry the day? let’s find out.

Governor Okoth Obado has tried his level best as a liberal and a Lockean student by tasking the programing of his government in the interest of the people ,with fruitful initiatives such as  full governors scholarship programs  which is changing lives with it's long  term impacts to the society, absorbing  Boda Boda groups into saccos and providing them with 25 motorbikes per sub county among other records ,but this has not releaved him from the yolk of constant nepotism, corruption ,and intimidation from some of his administrators and  his key confidants from his home backyard .

It's alleged by  the  aspirants that he has looted public funds so badly  that he amassed a lot of wealth and property beyond belief in a short period in office, and if at all the soft spoken C.E.O pursued his personal interest in the office he did it within the boundaries drawn by  legal statutes ,for he has always come out clean to shame the devil both at the senate and back at the county especially in Nyatike where  he was fierce accused of selling the gold mines to the Chinese foreigners.

Governor Okoth Obado

Now the interesting thing is all these criticisms have not hurt his image at the ground because he still controls majority of the electorates by deeds and developments records or perhaps the people have taken a lot of opium from him and they are not too keen to check and confirm if at all the allegations are substantial. I think such influence and control of vast majority is from good advisory team to keep the masters linen as clean as possible, but ought not to forget history shall remember the king not his soldiers.

 All these folks pledge a lot of loyalty to the ODM party and each one of them  is trying to prove they are the most valid  and original party members while others are deemed  passers-by. The loyalty index right from elections of party officials has seen a sharp differences and led to the formation of different camps, each allied to every aspirant hence  degenerating  to  team Obado, team Ochillo headed by Makabong’o, and the confused team Omodho Anyanga . 

These divisions have identified interests that is never is easy to dispute at any given moment, for it once distracted the party leader from launching Migori County Orange house constructed by H.E Okoth Obado. The party interest and reward at the race currently is uncertain forno one  knows who shall carry the game changing certificate, for all have invested heavily on party and its structures.

The tight gubernatorial race has  seen some less visionary people like George Oywer quit the race and technically drowned  underground including the social media fun maker Jobando, and from the look of things  its becoming a two horse race between Ochillo and Obado . Ann Omodho Anyanga to me  is chasing the wind, because Kenyan politics is never civilized to cling on the feminist perspective on image of a woman in leadership. she is no angel to beat the politics odds against her husband who is known for punishing people at his father’s funeral and doing helicopter development for his sycophants yet the constituents are in dire poverty.

As a woman and wife to the Mp she ought to have told Baba Stuart to swallow his KANU pride and serve in the interest of the people as she creates a path to her ambition.Well , she failed to advice the head of her house and now she going to face her public ridicule where it’s a no mercy thingie. This can also mean with all her resources and wealth from the Omodho dynasty her political career is going into a shun together with her soulmate  because the electorates of Nyatike are already decided for a new regime and it’s not a must that ODM  carries  the day for them,judging  from the previous election where only one MCA was from ODM among the seven wards. This history  must be taken seriously by the party for it not to lose grip of Nyatike seats at the parliamentary and ward level. Someone should realize they are neither the Borgia family of Rome  nor can she be Teresa May or even  Angela Merkel in Kenya especially in Migori County.

Meanwhile  what’s her next big step ahead? maybe  deputize somebody and loose again or go into  it alone and lose or support someone and be rewarded CEC position or ost probably  swallow her pride and quit politics for family  business. She has the answers within these provisions.

It has come a time where financial capability might favor the victor of the day, because an African voter listens through stomach  and majorly in  Migori where some call it mogo or gonya. But will the  lawyer really  manage to unseat the County Boss?

Going back to  winning  campaigns and taking the top seat,It will require   require a master who can handle the emerging  developments and circumstances.Both Ayacko and Obado have the wits to influence voters in their favour. I will consider both as kings with long arms in the county demographic coverage. 

The diversity in the county is good because it has discouraged mindless conformism and  wish the electorates well including the aspirants in the forthcoming elections.

In conclusion, should we re-elect the incumbent to finish up the structures he has put in place or elect a new county administrator.Is the county ready to to pace up with the occurrences ?


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