Saturday 26 November 2016


 By Mkikuyu Mjaka

At around 8.30am  on a Thursday morning  we receive an email from a female  student of Maseno University and she  insists on meeting Mkikuyu Mjaka .She leaves her  phone number behind so we embark on tracing her later in the day to know exactly whats going on.She sounds troubled on phone and very reluctant to say her name however she has this urge to tell out something .Something she says has been a secret for a few months and did not want to let the cat out of the basket except for another special reason.Her future is gradually hitting the rocks .The University education she dreamt of pursuing all her life is turning into a total nightmare with no one to trust with her career anymore.She takes out her handkerchief and wipes off a few drops of tears that are beginning to fall off her sad eyes.I order  the waiter to get us coffee since it seems like we are going have a long conversation.On phone she also seems to be chatting with someone and at some point she wants to excuse herself to make a phone call outside but is restrained by the look in my partner's  face.We do not have much time.She begins to speak as I draw out my camera and microphone to cover the entire narration but then again she insists she doesn't wanna be filmed nor recorded.That means pen cum paper would be the last option other than just listening keenly.She clears her throat and begins to speak again .

"I'm a second year student of Maseno University.Admitted last year in the school of Arts and Social Sciences of course to pursue my dream course.Soon after orientations classes begin .In the second week of studies I realize this male lecture has a thing for me judging from the many times he calls my name in class and calls me aside for a private talk after class.Its during one of our private talks that he asked for my number and I gave it to him knowing very well things  would remain within the boundaries of a Lecturer student relationship.The semester is a long one and I have hardly gone through half of it and the many odd hour phone calls are already making me uncomfortable.He stopped asking out for dates for instance asking me to accompany him to Kisumu  over the weekends and advanced to literally begging to have sex with me,which I all declined .For once I regretted ever giving him my number to the point my roommates would equally get irritated when he called as early as 2.00am in the morning many times.When I got upset and told him off and went further to remind him that he is a family man and I would not wish to come in between a happy marriage,he went ahead to explain how lonely he was  having a wife who is far away and only gets to see her mostly when the month ends.To make matters worse his wife is very beautiful,that I must admit after seeing one of her photos.The phone calls and the messages kept streaming in with little understanding as to whether  I was comfortable or not,destructed or not.Fortunately for the class he taught a very easy unit leaving me with a 30 out of 30 in his cats.Only to get a shocking D after the results were  out ,in the same unit that is.We stopped talking to each other  few weeks  to end of semester examinations in order to concentrate fully in my studies and I know for sure this contributed to the p*s*y hungry man in the name of a lecture to not only lower my dignity and self esteem but also fail me deliberately.It pains me when my parents strive so hard to look for money to pay my fees yet someone who doesn't know where the money comes from,decides to serve his personal interest ahead of his students studies .I have totally lost my trust in male lectures and the credibility of University education if this is what fellow ladies go through.I am not saying its a bad idea to get into a commitment with a lecturer as a student but then again one cannot be forced into a relationship or even forced to buy grades with sex.I believe in my brains and it is for the same reason I am asking Mr.X to remark my paper and award me the marks I deserve or else I will expose him without fear  and have the Dean School Of Arts and Social Sciences help me out.I dont mind seeking help from the office of the Vice Chancellor if it has to get to  that"

She leaves us with the name and photos of the alleged lecturer who cannot keep his pants up his waist .Bonyeza Star will anytime from now, expose the details  of the lecturer if at all Miss. Y is not served with her demands.

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