Thursday 20 April 2017

. . . After Parliament was formed, hungry A.N.C(previously U.D.F) MPs signed a pact with Jubilee, left Marende and voted for Muturi as speaker . . . - Bonyeza Star


By Grace Walid
We are obedient when the government is looting this country dry,we are obedient when successive government rigs elections.We are obedient when the food prices sky rocket beyond reach of many.We are obedient when the government fails to provide healthcare to Kenyans for 90 days.We are obedient when illegal directives are issued by government ministers and officials, no wonder this country is headed for doom if we are not going to re-examine ourselves and choose our leaders wisely.

Defiant members of ANC, I have something to say to you. Before the last elections, Mudavadi was convinced to join the state house party, given a 15% deal then called a 'mashetani'

Mudavadi went ahead to run and scored 355k from Western, against Raila's 755K.After Parliament was formed, hungry ANC(previously UDF) MPs signed a pact with Jubilee, left Marende and voted for Muturi as speaker. After that, they got nothing in return. What tells you that Mudavadi is the best candidate for the NASA ticket, yet Raila beat him in Central when his running mate was from central. Raila beat him again in the rift Valley despite having the support of his uncle, Daniel Moi and his dedicated team of nyayo looters. 
Mudavadi 's only serious contribution to NASA is coming up with the NASA name, an empty name which is being contested in court.
Even Wetangula' s Ford Kenya looks more ardent than ANC. Vihiga County produced the poorest results during the recent mass voter registration.

Here is a fact, that ANC wasn't aware about: Cord had a lineup and hierarchy. Raila... Then Kalonzo... Then Wetangula.  These people stood together during difficult and tumultuous times.Even president Museveni tried to convince Wetang’ula to join Jubilee but he didn't. All these time, Mudavadi and Wamalwa were busy begging for crumbs from Jubilee. 

Musalia moved on, and is ready to put a new foundation for his politics in the spirit of coalition building. In the absence of Raila, then it is Kalonzo.

Hold your peace and know your place. We will not tolerate Jubilee giving you ugali to demonstrate. Next time they give you ugali, ask them to give you your right share in government. Where were you when we were unearthing Eurobond scandal? NYS scandal? Do you know how teargas smoke smells like and how it irritates the eyes? Do you know how the acid water burns the skin? This idea of "nipee" all the time instead of working in unison with other people to achieve a specif goal is so archaize.

Where were you when ODM supporters were pushing Hassan out of office? How many Luhyas are in that NASA committee? Ask them what they are doing, does it mean they don't believe in power and success of their people??

In short:Raila is a giant of a man. An epitome of struggle for sociopolitical renaissance. As I have always said, Raila's handlers should do a documentary that tells a story to many young kenyans, who never got an opportunity to learn history, and if they did, they weren't keen on the details. 

All clips should be available in media archives.They will emotionally and intellectually help people understand what Raila stands for.

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