Monday 17 April 2017

" ....... Kibaki, Mwiraria, Murungaru, and Kiriatu Murungi retreated to State house, Nairobi with only one agenda: To lay strategy on how to tame Raila Odinga. ....." - Bonyeza Star

Mwai Kibaki and late david Mwiraria

By Grace Walid 
The curtains closed on Daudi Mwiraria,yes, he is no longer with us. Apart from Mwai Kibaki himself,no one else epitomizes the Kibaki wasted years and lost opportunity for Kenya during the unfortunate ten years of Kibaki.

Soon after Kibaki was sworn in on a wheelchair in Uhuru park, having defeated Uhuru Kenyatta in a presidential election he hardly participated in, save for an occasional cynical grin, Kibaki, Mwiraria, Murungaru, and Kiriatu Murungi retreated to State house, Nairobi with only one agenda: To lay strategy on how to tame Raila Odinga.

Moi Handing over to Kibaki
These thankless lot had forgotten about the selfless contribution of Raila Odinga and the presidency was now a Kikuyu property to be guarded jealously. When Kibaki was being flown to London for treatment after the near fatal accident in Machakos, in his characteristic mean nature, Kibaki and his handlers had booked an economy ticket.

When Raila realised this at the airport when Kibaki was almost boarding, he loudly wondered how a heap of broken bones could comfortably travel second class. He promptly produced his credit card which he used to upgrade the ticket to Business /First Class. The Kikuyu politicians surrounding Kibaki looked on and grinned sheepishly, like a man watching his friend hug his wife who they have a secret coital liaison with. If Kibaki was the grand-master of the Kikuyunization of Kenya and the slow but sure erosion of the gains Kenyans had made towards becoming a cohesive one nation, Mwiraria was its Chief Priest. Outwardly, Mwiraria displayed a fake facade of a gentlemanly mien and demeanor.

Raila ,Kibaki,Moi,Uhuru
Inwardly he was the lethal, loathsome diabolic serpent.Mwiraria,at the helm of the finance ministry, at one time sacked 9 high ranking Luos and two high ranking Luhyas from KRA, ostensibly because they failed to meet revenue targets. The underlying reason was to cleans KRA of Luos and Luhyias and create space for a Kikuyu fiefdom which KRA is today. At one time, he starved the Office of the Prime Minister of funds, thinking they were frustrating Raila.

When Raila came up with plans to build bypasses in Nairobi at a time when many Kenyans could even correctly spell the word "by pass ", Daudi was part of a clique in the cabinet that frustrated this grand plan because they wanted to protect Kikuyu property built on road reserves. In one such cabinet meeting, and a midst intense opposition from Kikuyu ministers and their other clueless supporters, Raila produced a 1974 map of Nairobi, clearly showing that the property being protected was on road reserves. It was then that the ever aloof, nonchalant and almost senile Kibaki said " Kama nyumba zime jengwa Kwa ardhi ya serikali na serikali intaka kujenga barabara, basi basi zibomolewe... zibomolewe...kwani iko shida gani? ".

 That is how the bypasses that you now enjoy came to see the light of the day. Raila Odinga once said that he remains forever grateful to Kibaki for that support. When the courts caught up with him and called him to account for the Anglo Leasing theft, he decided to play hide and seek with the justice system, conveniently gaining admission to Karen Hospital's High Dependency Unit each time he was to appear in court.
Yes, the curtains have closed on him. As Shakespeare the bard would say "The evil that men do always live after them, but their good deeds are interred with their bones ".So be it with Mwiraria !May he rest in peace

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