Thursday 20 October 2016


Cord co principles Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula shake hands with President Uhuru Kenyatta,as Vice President William Ruto looks on, in Machakos during the Mashujaa day celebrations 2016

By Mkikuyu Mjaka

‘I see today everybody ambaye amevalia jacket nyekundu anasema ni shujaa’

 .These were  the words of CORD co-principle Hon Kalonzo Musyoka  who was speaking in Machakos  on Thursday  during the Mashujaa Day celebrations ,an event which was skipped by his ODM counterpart and former prime Minister Rt.Hon  Raila Amollo Odinga .Also present at the celebrations was Hon Senator  Moses Wetangula.. In his speech Kalonzo Musyoka emphasized on the looming downfall of Wiper party members who recently left Wiper for Jubilee saying they should be prepared to lose their seats come 2017.In a bid to prepare not only Machakos  County but also the entire  country for a massive surprise come 2017,corruption and abuse of office are the key areas Kalonzo Musyoka touched on terming President Uhuru Kenyatta’s fight against graft as noble however according to him  (Kalonzo ),the corrupt  members of Uhuru’s government deserve to be shown the door.

Kalonzo Adressing his Ukambani supporters in Machakos during the Mashujaa celebrations 2016

This time round the political showdown between Vice President William Ruto, Machakos County Governor Alfred Mutua and  former Vice president Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka was more conspicuous with the latter blaming William Ruto of witch-hunting  his party members  among them Governor Mutua. Kalonzo Musyoka who happens to be the Kingpin of Ukambani politics strongly believes in the will of his people and firmly believes again that  the Kamba block will vote in favor of the CORD coalition come 2017.
His smartness was at its peak when he cited out the move by jubilee party to print the Mashujaa Day slogan  on red jackets ,a color that was recently poached from KANU party colours only to end up Jubilees favorite .This could be the smartest  way to pass a message to the Jubilee Party cautioning them from spending tax payers money  in favor of one political party despite being the government of the day.

Cord co principles Kalonzo Musyoka ,Rt.Hon Raila Amollo Odinga & Senator Moses Wetangula

The celebrations in Machakos if anything was attended by many to the extend chaos erupted just after the President arrived ,with many trying to get their way in. Its reported that one person is struggling with life after the heavy stampede.

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