Wednesday 12 October 2016


Governor Rasanga -Siaya County

By Mkikuyu Mjaka

Governor  Rasanga has repeatedly been on spotlight  for all the reasons on earth, both good and bad. This time round Kenyans are even much more disappointed in the Governor for stooping to low to the extent of using examination materials as a campaign tool .Please spare him the curses, this son of Siaya soil could as well have taken advantage of the fact that numbers have a say despite Kenyans weep and cry. The move to have his portrait on Siaya Mock Examination papers to me takes us back to the Moi era where dictatorship was at its best. I still don’t find it necessary for the portrait to have been there rather if there was need to pass a message then the county emblem would have worked better.
Any good lawyer will tell you using 1.7M to campaign for one’s self in the name of issuing mock examinations for the sake of morale boosting is punishable before any serious judge and to add on ,experts will say Governor Rasanga’s political journey it at its deathbed.

In defense of the matter, the Siaya County Executive Committee member for Education, Pamela Akelo, has defended the move to print Governor Cornel Rasanga’s picture on this year’s mock examination papers.
The CEC said that the move was meant to cushion parents from exploitation by school heads who may have wanted to charge their children extra mock exam fees.
She argues that the move was not taken as a way of campaigning for the governor’s re-election as perceived by most people who have strongly criticized the move on social media.

Ms Akelo pointed out that they had realized that some school heads usually approach various organizations to sponsor exams but at the same time ask parents and county government to pay for the same, hence the move to place the photos to distinguish the county mock exams from other papers. She further stated that the move to sponsor county mock examinations was just meant to support the development of education in the county because primary and secondary education is not devolved.
She argues that the county mock examination, dubbed “Rasanga Tena”, is aimed at encouraging and gauging the students so that they can get used to do exams.
The CEC, who spoke to Radio Ramogi on phone, maintained that the county government cannot politicize matters of education, noting that they had spent Ksh 1.7 million in ensuring that mock exams are done to give this year’s KCPE candidates confidence ahead of the final exams.
On Tuesday, class eight candidates and their teachers were shocked when they were given mock exam papers with the portrait of the Governor, a move that sparked serious criticism on social media.

Most Kenyans who expressed concerns wondered if it was necessary for the governor’s portrait to appear on exam papers, saying that if that’s the trend then a time is coming when the President’s portrait may also be put on KCSE and KCPE papers. Abuse of office and misappropriation of County Government resources are the two key undoings related to this matter. I repeat, this is stooping too low Governor Rasanga.

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