Tuesday 27 June 2017


By Alex Mutua 


On June 17, during a Jubilee Rally at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega Outspoken Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale did claim  claim that  his life was   in danger.

Khalwale who is seeking to become the next Governor for Kakamega  on a FORD Kenya ticket on Sunday, June 18, 2017, recorded a statement with the police after his life was allegedly threatened by Kenya's 4th President Uhuru Kenyatta.

-Via his  social media platforms , Khalwale said he was forced to record a statement at the Kakamega Police Station after President Uhuru issued threats against him during a Jubilee Rally at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega.

- ‘’I’ve this morning recorded a statement at Kakamega Police Station concerning Uhuru’s threats against me," Khalwale tweeted.  The latest development was confirmed by Regional police commander Moses Ombati who said indeed Khalwale had recorded a statement and that the issue was under investigation.

- President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday, June 17, while in Kakamega accused the bullfighter of instigating discord in the region and said ‘’You have leaders who come here pretending to be heroes but what they do is insult others instead of selling their policies to the voters…..tutamnyorosha," said Uhuru during a Jubilee Rally at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega.

- Khalwale is battling out the Kakamega Governor's race with Wycliff Oparanya.


- The Nairobi home of Jubilee's Ruiru Town MP candidate was destroyed by a fire on Monday morning.

- Simon Ng'ang'a, who lived in Garden Estate, Roysambu constituency, claimed there are political attempts to eliminate him because of his victory at the primaries.

- A house belonging to a Jubilee Party Parliamentary aspirant Simon
Ng’ang’a was on Tuesday, June 20 2017 night burnt down by unknown people

- Simon Ng’ang’a has accused his rivals of the arson

- The politician has urged the police to accord him security as his life is in danger

 ‘’I have been receiving threats from unknown people .I have also noticed people trailing my car on different occasions. Last Saturday, the same people attempted to but my house but the fire was contained. Unfortunately, the assailants succeeded in their mission and burned my house. Nobody was home by then….I was alerted by neighbors.’’ Ng’ang’a told the press.


-In March this year Mavoko Constituency parliamentary aspirant Kalembe Ndile claimed his life was in danger after
unknown people stormed his house at 6am, demanding that they be allowed entry into his Syokimau home.

-Kalembe said the group drove into his residential area in three cars and knocked on the gate of his homestead, claiming to be auctioneers who had been issued with a court order to access the former Kibwezi MP’s house following an employment dispute.

-Mr Ndile called police officers to report the intrusion, leading to the arrest of six suspects.

-Two of the saloon cars were driven to Mlolongo police station. however the driver of the third car sped off, escaping arrest.

- In his own words he said , “Today 6am, unknown people drove to my residential area in three saloon cars. They knocked on the main gate, demanding to be allowed access into the compound. It was my daughter who responded to their call. The men told her that they were auctioneers, who had obtained a court order to gain entry into my house and attach my property following an employment dispute,Honestly, I do not have any unpaid loans or debts. I want to claim that my life, as Kalembe Ndile, is in danger. This shouldn’t be taken lightly. I am urging the government to provide us with security, especially those of us living in Syokimau. Syokimau has become a danger zone. When midnight clocks, and it finds you away from home, you better stay where you are because you could be harmed when trying to get to your house . We have had cases of police officers being attacked by thugs, . The former Kibwezi MP alleged that Mavoko MP Patrick Makau, among his other political rivals, are behind his troubles.


-In 2016  Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru declared that  her life was in danger and wanted police to protect her.

- She wrote  to the Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet seeking  protection
and citing veiled threats including one by National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale following her explosive affidavit on the Sh791 million National Youth Service scandal.

-Waiguru also revealed  other senior politicians who had also accused her of breaking the Jubilee coalition.

- "Knowing Kenya's political climate and the influence that these politicians command, I am naturally fearful
for my life.  I am also worried that there will be attempts to interfere with investigations so as to ensure there are trumped-up charges against me, " she wrote in a letter sent to  police headquarters .

- "I am therefore requesting your office to issue me with appropriate security to forestall any possible attacks on me," the letter concluded.

-This particular attempt was linked to  perpetrators of the NYS saga, for which dozens of business people and former State officials are facing trial over fraudulent payments.

 "Upon the issuance of my affidavit, I have received both veiled threats including one by Hon Aden Duale in which
he promised to go on sabbatical to go after Anne Waiguru. Other senior politicians have also accused me of breaking the Jubilee Coalition," says part of the letter. "Whilst I trust the investigative and prosecutor institutions to be guided by the law, I feel that unless I am issued with appropriate security arrangements I stand a risk of being physically harmed," she said.

-  She added: "I am therefore requesting your office to issue me with appropriate security to forestall any possible attacks against me."

- In the letter, she introduced herself as a former Devolution CS and added that in the last several months, there had been an orchestrated campaign to link her with a spate of theft and corruption at the ministry and some of its departments and more particularly, NYS.

- "After extensive investigations, I was cleared by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and a letter to this effect issued. Soon thereafter a fraudulent and false affidavit was sworn by one of the persons charged with the theft of NYS monies making wild and unsubstantiated allegations. I am convinced that this was the work of the masterminds of the thefts at NYS."

-Waiguru did swear an affidavit in which she named National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich, Duale and Senate Deputy Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen as having played a role in the saga.


In september 2016  Governor Peter Munya has expressed fears for his life following the ban on miraa to Somalia.

-  The Council of Governors chairman said he was aware of plans to "silence" him for
being vocal on the miraa issue.

- Mr Munya said he was aware of miraa business cartels " that include murderers who are not afraid of carrying out their heinous acts," who were thereafter  targeting him.

- "The cartels have started targeting me with lots of propaganda concerning the market. It is a really worrying situation," he said, adding, "I am being accused of being a hindrance in the marketing of miraa. How can I work against my people?" Munya, who had been accused of breaching protocol by engaging the autonomous Somaliland in the volatile Somalia republic, blamed his political opponents for waging a smear campaign against him. "We know there are people who are not happy and want to make political capital by mudslinging and spreading propaganda," he said.

- The governor claimed that former prominent Meru politician Ntai wa Nkuraru was killed over the miraa issue, and he would not want the same to happen to him.  He claimed there was a calculated move by his opponents to malign his name by claiming he was a hindrance in the marketing of the stimulant in the export market.

- Claims had emerged that the miraa ban came as a result of Munya's visit to Somaliland early in the year. But Munya refuted the claims, saying the Somali government had explained that it had closed its
airspace because of current air traffic due to an international summit.

"The Government of Somalia has said it was closing the airspace for a few days because of Igad but some propagandists here want to drag Munya into the issue," He explained .


- Early this year  senior counsel Ahmednassir Abdullahi reportedly announced ''My life in danger! He wants to kill me like they killed JACOB JUMA ''

 -The  celebrated city lawyer  claimed his life was in danger and the men after his life were none other than senior police officers.

- Ahmednassir The senior counsel  told Inspector General of Police, Joseph Boinnet, when he visited him that a senior officer (thought to be CID boss, Ndegwa Muhoro) in the National Police Service wants to assassinate him.

- He said the officer had hatched a plot to kill him in cold blood like they did with businessman, Jacob Juma.


- Former Kisumu East MP Gor Sungu had also  claimed his life was in danger.

- Mr Sungu, who was till then  seeking a fresh mandate as the area MP in this year’s election,  reported threats to his life at the Kondele police station in Kisumu vide OB 30/15/04/2017. He said he had reliable information that one of the aspirants for the seat was plotting to harm him.

“My life is in danger and Kenyans should be aware of what is happening,” Mr Sungu told Nation.

-  The MP - who chaired a Parliamentary Select Committee that was in 2003 tasked with investigating the death of former Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ouko - linked the threats to his interest in being the next MP.

-  “Last week as I campaigned in Kolwa, my supporters and I inhaled some suspicious
chemicals and 10 of them were taken ill including myself. Today, my situation is worse,” Mr Sungu said. He told the police to institute immediate probe into the matter.


-Nominated MP Isaac Mwaura   strongly condemned April incident whereby some people attempted to assassinate him over political feuds.

- Addressing the press at his home in Membly area in Ruiru town , Mwaura accused his opponent Simon King’ara and his supporters of shooting him.

“I could hear gunshots in the air before I was shot on my left ear and went unconscious,” he lamented “I was rushed to the Nairobi hospital where I was admitted and the doctor confirmed that the bullet was just one inch away from my brain which would have been fatal,” explained Mwaura.

-He said that he saw his opponent Simon King’ara throwing stones at his car. King’ara and his supporters had allegedly tried to destroy a boda boda shed that he- Mwaura- had put up and that is when the confrontation begun.The incident happened at the KAG church in Githurai Kimbo insisting that were it not for the police who quickly responded to his distress call, the case would be different.


- In June 2017 Wavinya Ndeti claimed that her life was in danger

-The Machakos County gubernatorial candidate Wavinya Ndeti a few days ago  claimed  her life is in danger following alledged threats from the incumbent governor Alfred mutua and Senator Johnstone Muthama.

- Wavinya accused her competitor Mutua for fueling propaganda against her instead of focusing on developing the county government of Machakos.

- Wavinya who was addressing a burial gathering at Mitaboni in Kathiani said that
Machakos senator Johnstone Muthama, Governor Alfred  Mutua and independent candidate Benard Kiala are frustrating her campaign instead of selling their political agenda to the people of Machakos

- The court on Wednesday ordered the wiper party to give Wavinya the party ticket prior to her presentation of papers to the electoral body IEBC on Thursday


-In March 2017  Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho did make  claims that his life is in danger after President Uhuru Kenyatta threatened him.

- This is after the Head of State, during the launch of Mtongwe ferry services , warned the Governor that he would deal with him if he
continued interfering with his work.

-  "Joho should stop following me. I am not his wife. He should come here and explain what he has done for this country.. He should not play with us, if he plays with us we will teach him a lesson,

-  Joho alleged that the president's warning was a direct threat to him adding that he now
feared for his life.

- " The President said he will deal with me. This means anything can happen to me. It is a direct threat and it is not easy to handle a direct threat from a head of state," Joho was quoted by the Standard.

- The Governor stated that he was more concerned about Kenyatta's threat but noted that it would not stop him from speaking the truth about the Jubilee administration. He also disputed Kenyatta's allegations that Mombasa County had received Sh40 billion from the national government instead putting the amount at Sh17 Billion and producing documents as evidence.

-  Joho was barred by GSU offices from attending the presidents relaunch of mtongwe ferry services.  He was nabbed by recce squad officers and reportedly placed under house arrest at his offices until the President concluded the function.


-Also in May 2016  Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga said  his life was in danger after the withdrawal of his two armed security officers.

-Rasanga , who spoke at his Segere home in Central Alego ward, said he was unable to go about his duties
as he feared for his life and called for the reinstatement of the security detail.

-  “The State had last week summoned my  first security officer Joshua Rioba while we were in Nairobi and withdrew his gun before ordering him to report to his earlier station, but I was not worried because I knew I still had another officer, Lawrence Wachira who was also summoned on Friday and that now puts my life in danger,” said Rasanga.


-Kenya’s celebrated activist Boniface Mwangi announced that he had received death threats on his life and that of his family.

- According to the activist, he had often received such threats but the recent  ones, which for the first time targeted his wife and children, have taken a more dangerous tone that he was forced to get out of the country.

-  “My life has been haunted by all kinds of threats. Some close friends know about the intimidation that I receive, but I have always been reluctant to go public about them. I did not want to ever be the boy who cried wolf,” Boniface Mwangi said in a statement.

- “I am anguished because the threats are now taking a more dangerous tone. For the first time since I began engaging in activism, my wife and children have been included as targets. The source of the threats claims that because I have refused to be bought and won’t compromise, I have put my family in danger,” he said.

- According to Bonny as he is popularly known; the threats on his life intensified following his response to a defamation suit filed by Deputy President, Ruto against him.

-  The threats forced him to move his family outside the country for safety last year following advice by fellow human rights activists and he would also follow suit after realizing that he was being monitored by “strange people”.

- “We were meant to travel back last week, but then I received a frightening warning message:


-To prove the message’s authenticity, my source shared specific details of how they intend to hurt me and my family,” he said, adding that he was on his way home back home and would record a statement with the police.


-Mr. maneno an Mp Aspirant Kuria East and former Minister in Migori County Government in  May 2017  updated his social media  status in this manner .

- ''I have recieved several calls from friends, allies and other unknown people who tell me that I've been marked for elimination by my former allies after my decision last week to back Ochilo Ayacko for the Migori governor seat on Aug 8, 2017. A smear campaign that started last weekend is ongoing while my former colleagues were each paid Ksh50,000 to host and attend a meeting at Ntimaru, my hometown, where my name was besmirsched with the enthusiasm only spineless bootlicking mercenaries can muster.

- My life is in the hands of God. Whether I die today or 60yrs from now doesn't matter. What matters is what I'd have done with the life I have been given.

- I believe many of the current governors in Kenya stole the Devolution Dream by turning a phenomenon that was intended to change people's lives for the better into a vehicle for their personal enrichment.

- They should be voted out.

- There was little I could do as an officer of the government because whether I protested or not, which I often did, they'd have continued to centralise finance, pay themselves through briefcase companies Waiguru-style, while the poor suffered.

- As far as am concerned, the Chapter Six debate is a waste of time. Nobody is going to court. Nobody is stopping anyone from being on the ballot. Only the People own the sovereignty. Only they can vote out governors, MPs and the callous Jubilee regime. It's time for the Independents. I am an Independent.

- As for my friend and former boss with whom I have differed in Migori, this isn't personal. I often disagreed with the way things were done. If the people are with you, you have nothing to worry about from a junior, insignificant noisemaker.

- But you need to stop the threats coming through your closest allies. Tukae na heshima. My life may not be worth extinguishing because as sure as the sun rises, another disgruntled Migorian, probably a Mukuria like I, will rise. And the term, old or new, will end. For the record, the threats will be reported to Police.


-In March 2016 Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko’s security suffered a big blow when one of his body guards, Constable Bakari Tsuma Joto was shot dead. Just shortly after the senator has taken to social media to announce that his life is in danger and thereafter giving a stern warning his unknown assailants to ‘try him at their own risk.’

-  “Politics is dirty. Kuna cowards wanachora kuuwa wengine (There are cowards plotting to kill others). With wht is on going I will not take chances anymore try me at your own risk,” Sonko wrote on Facebook.


-  Meru Women Representative Aspirant Kawira Mwangaza ,in May 2017 claimed Her Life was In Danger After She Was Threatened By Jubilee Official

-  Meru woman hopeful Kawira Mwangaza had claimed her life is in danger after “being threatened by Meru Jubilee secretary general Al Hajj Mwendia”.

-  She said Mwendia had threatened to “finish me if I continue mentioning him in my TV programme”. Mwangaza owns the Baite TV station. In an audio clip, a person said to be Mwendia says what Baite
TV is doing for Jubilee in Meru “is a massacre”.

- Mwangaza spoke to the press after recording a statement at the Meru police station on Sunday. She wants her security improved. “This TV has gone beyond boundaries. They spent one-and-a-half hours abusing leaders. I think this TV should be denied frequencies or we will rally our people to stop it from working,” the person says.

- Mwendia is alleged to have made the remarks at the Nkubu Heritage Hotel, South Imenti, during a dinner for Jubilee nominees. He also allegedly said if Mwangaza talks about him again, he will rally thugs
from Majengo and “so let her not do it again if she wants to live”.

- Mwangaza recently lost the Jubilee nominations for the Meru woman representative seat to incumbent Florence Kajuju.


- May 2016 Kilifi woman representative  Aisha Jumwa  received death threats for allegedly disrespecting President Uhuru Kenyatta

- She allegedly received a call from Mombasa Gema community warning her 'on behalf of the president'

- President Uhuru comes from the Kikuyu community which is part of the Gema community Kilifi Woman Representative has accused Mombasa GEMA community chairman, Chrispus Waithaka, of sending her death threats.

-  Aisha Jumwa expressed concern for her life after she allegedly received death threats 'on behalf of President Uhuru Kenyatta'

 -She  said that Waithaka was probably angered by her reference to Uhuru as ‘yule jama’ (that guy).

- Waithaka however denied the clams saying he did not threaten anybody.

- Wachira Mathenge said Jumwa only came to his office to greet him and did not record a statement.

-  Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi and Senator Madzayo however  demanded that Waithaka apologise to Jumwa and urged the county government to increase her security.


- April 2017  In a statement to the media she alleged  her political rivals whom she didn’t want to name were keen on seeing her win the election in a coffin and she had prior information that the plot to assassinate her
had been plotted a day earlier.

-She recalled “Yesterday 25th April my opponents had made arrangements to ensure I am declared winner of the Jubilee race for woman rep in a coffin. I do not know the genesis of the hatred by these women.

- Instead of resorting to such ploys against me, the women should ask in a nice way to e voted in. I have told them severally to sell their manifesto so that they can triumph  in the jubilee primaries. I warned them, more than often, against selling an anti-Shebesh agenda. Shebesh is sure of her votes, her votes cannot elude her”  She said. She made the announcement while casting their vote at Mahiga primary school in Roysambu.

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