Saturday 24 December 2016


By Brian Otieno

Listening to good advice and a success story is more or less the same as swaging up in  your  Dr.Dre headphones while listening to your favourite  music.Child Hope taught me so .Someone please  tell me am wrong ! Oh yes am right .


Pepe Minambo

We are all set and ready for a speech from a guest we have never seen before. From the look on our faces we expect a great person, one of the who’s and who’s of this country .Little do we know that great things come in small packages. Am reminded by this common phrase used by Mkikuyu Mjaka . The man walks in with a company of well dressed mates in black .Tall and light skinned he is, sits down facing his audience .He greets us and proceeds to tell us about our expectations of the day. Wow ! by the time he holds the microphone in his hands it comes to my realization that we are all down for something serious. Then he begins “If your dream as a person isn’t to be successful then you better soul search for an appropriate answer. Every young man’s ambition is to be successful, but many don’t know what it takes to get there. If I may say everything in life is risky. By that I mean you have to take a risk at any one given point in life. You have to focus on one thing at a time in order to gain the rest .They say life is like a city. A city full of highways and street paths but what counts is the particular lane on which one walks on. Life is full of cross-roads and very many obstacles conceived into this world. You were given an opportunity equal to your sisters and everyone else you see around. That means we literally all begin from one common point but as days go certain people stand to throw stones at dogs while others surge forward to find their reason to live in the world .What counts in this life we live is how we come out of situations .At one point in life you fall .When you fall down the best remedy is to pick yourself up ,dust your clothes and lick your wounds and above all move on. They say again that the poorest man on earth is a man without a dream and ambition. Ask yourself, do you have something to die for? If you don’t have then you are not worth living. You sit down and wonder at times why you are so poor. The problem could be you remember that. Find yourself and avoid the word poor like a plague since poor itself stands for
P- Passing
O- Over

A man is not measured by the material wealth he has, they say ,but by the value of what his brains hold. Always try as much as possible to make decisions that can bring positive change to not just you as an individual but also to the society. Strive so hard to bring the change you may wish the world to experience. If I may ask, how many would choose wisdom over money? I know many will go for money. Wisdom can withstand the test of time that which money cannot. The best gift a man can have is to believe in him .Do you believe you can? If you don’t, what is the problem because people without hands have grown to become pilots and here you have all your limbs yet you choose to be a village fool. Young man you got to wake up and realise your dream.


Chris Kirubi

He happens to be one of the richest men in the continent yet still spares time to share out his success story with the world. A rich man’s special time spent with young brains is better than than 365 and a quarter days of bad politics .. In his own words Chris Kirubi says,

“My ambition is to impact knowledge in a million ways .A typical day for me is a day made of decisions .You may wonder what decisions. Life is made of decisions, you decide to be poor, the choice is yours. You chose to be the richest man in the world then there you go you are the solution. Make the right decisions and all righteousness will follow you.”
Chris Kirubi ,Kenya’s first billionaire says that for you to be successful  in anything you do, you must first set your life to be guided by roadmaps ,routed by good decisions and always walk in the company of great people  and you will achieve all your dreams. He further says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. According to him we were all created for greatness hence its prudent to live as per the standards set by the almighty.


Irene Mureithi

Given chance definitely I would love to walk in the shoes of this awesome lady. This is a story of a lady who should have lived a miserable life but instead decided to walk her own path to greatness. She currently runs her own company despite having worked as a banker for ten years and happened to have saved about ksh10,000 ,why? Many might wonder, what a regular mwananchi goes through is only felt by the mwananchi herself and such is like in the story of Irene Mureithi. Allow me go back to the main point.

” Life is a puzzle. One has to work up his mind to find solutions to his problems. Greatness is a personal choice, remember you are responsible for every decision you make in life. Remember choices have consequences, good or bad it’s your decision. My decision to speak to you doesn’t qualify you to a successful life. What pushes you to greatness is your initiative. I have spoken yes .what you do about what I say is what counts.”


Bishop Allan Kiuna 

Listening to this Televangelist could shed light to a dying soul. He says, “Every young man’s dream is to own a flashy car, nice home and a beautiful family. All wonder why other families are happy while others sad. Happiness is created .It is not all about fancy cars, nice suits and clothes. A nice bungalow and the rest is just about knowing yourself, what you love ,what you can do and what you cannot do. That’s your purpose and above all having some nice company beside you. Company you wonder: These are people who share your dreams, aspirations ,ambitions and failures to. These are people who stick with you in times of happiness and in times of sadness. If you have friends who do not tell you what you are doing wrong, abandon them and go for those who point out  all the bad things in you for they are the ones who have good intentions  for you. Define your purpose in life and you will achieve greatness you desire in life  and never be afraid of being different. It is through your being difference that you will go places People have never been to. You will achieve things people feat or never dared to tackle .Above all always be a go-getter and you will achieve your soul wishes.


Have you ever pictured yourself when successful? It doesn’t come on a silver platter. It is earned. This is a lesson from a humbled guy with great ideas though. Ideas that can change the world and leave a story to be told to generations to come. The story of one Ian Mbugua, from being a street boy in Thika Town to a successful banker and finally a company owner. “ What will the child you once were, think of the adult you are now. If the child you once were will not be proud of you then I bet you should not be listening to this. Strive so hard that each day you improve your original self. Strive so that you don’t remain in your original state today, tomorrow and the future .2016 is coming to an end soon. Do not waste your time thinking of the bad things you did. Worry more about things you can do and above all think positively about everything. Find respect in yourself and you will earn it from the people around you. Success is built similar to a house .Find what you are passionate about and get grounded on it. Work hard towards your dream and ultimately everything will work your way.

Thanks to CHILD HOPE .

PEPE MINAMBO: International Motivational speaker and Nairobian Columnist  .Congolese who 
came to Kenya at the age of 13

CHRIS KIRUBI: Billionaire Business man and motivational speaker.

IRENE MUREITHI : CEO Personal Development Institute (PDI) company and motivational speaker.

IAN MBUGUA :  Banker and motivational speaker

BISHOP ALLAN KIUNA : Televangelist ,Columnist with Nairobian and Motivational speaker.Bishop at Jubilee Christian Church.

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