Monday 26 December 2016


Mugabe is back

By Mkikuyu Mjaka

CNN: News reaching our desk is that Kenyan Doctors have gone on   strike …..


MUGABE : Which doctors? 

MUSEVENI: Yes, witch doctors, check spelling Mugabe and remove question mark.

MAGUFULI : Strike ni nini ? Naskia tu madaktari wamestrike!

MUGABE : The present tense of Stroke ,Magufuli. I hear Tanzania was colonized by Mombasa hahaha!
MUSEVENI: S. Yes add S Mugabe.

MAGUFULI : Unamaanisha nini ndugu yangu Museveni ?

MUSEVENI : Stroke ukiongeza S inakuwa Strokes ?

MUGABE :  hahahahahah ! Hahahahha! Morgan Tvshangirai must hear this (screenshot pap)

MAGUFULI: Is typing

RAILA : Is typing

UHURU : Nduguzanguni Dadazanguni .Bwana Raila ngoja kwanza don’t type please. Kuna kitu nataka kusema .Bado Dwaleh anaichora .Kidogo tu Bwana Raila. Am about to make a State Of the Nation Adress.

RAILA : Is typing

UHURU : Magufuli pole sana ndugu yangu uliskia haya maneno vibaya .KBC ilitangaza vizuri kwamba ni 
Madaftari na si madaktari kinyume na kilichotendeka.Sasa hivi kila kitu iko sawa .

MAGUFULI:  Na Strokes zimetoka wapi Bwana Uhuru ?

RAILA : Kichapo cha Mbwa.

UHURU : Uliza Fred Matiangi ana habari kamili kuhusiana na hilo jambo Bwana Magufuli. Ndugu yangu Raila kichapo ni moja tu .Kichapo cha Debe.

MUGABE : Don’t tell us about Matiangi who cannot differentiate between Fake Degrees and Degree of Madness. If Kenyans can steal the sun when the rest of the world is  asleep. Why can’t  they steal exams? 

MUSEVENI : And erections.

RAILA : Not erections Museveni, It’s elections.

MUSEVENI: Raira what do you know about erections ?Sorry elections

RAILA : ‘Is typing’

MAGUFULI : Tafadhali tutumie maneno ya heshima ama niamrishe jeshi langu liporomoshe hili whatsap group chini.

MUGABE : Who is Heshima Magufuli ? I am using my own words .Let Heshima use his own words far away from here. Bullshit ! Where is Uhuru?

UHURU : Yes Mugabe my brother .I’m here.

MUGABE : Can’t you have some manners son of Kenyatta. Respect your elders please. How dare you call me your brother? How then will Mama Ngina address me? I should be your grandfather young man.

MAGUFULI :  Hahahahaha ! Mugabe .Hivi unajua ya kwamba Heshima ndiyo inamaanisha Respect kwa kizungu ? Limbukeni wewe .

MUGABE : Is typing

RAILA : Migingo is ours . Hiyo ndiyo kitu nitaanza nayo nikiingia state House 2017.

MUSEVENI : Raira ! Raira ! Raira ! Kila mara Raira huh !

MUGABE : Let him speak Museveni. Raila go on. That is what it means to separate ‘Christ’ from Mass and adding Action at the end .From Christmas to Mass Action Hahahahaha ! Christ-Mass-Action indeed.

MAGUFULI : Namuunga mkono Bwana Raila .Ana uwezo mkubwa wa kubadilisha Kenya na kuiokoa kutoka mikononi mwa Ruto. Huyo ndiye adui mkubwa wa serikali.

MUSEVENI : Uhuru kuja inbox I show you how to deal with a Besigye.

BENSOUDA : Museveni the ICC is watching you closely .Be careful what you say or do from now onwards.

MUSEVENI : Pensuda you should know that  Yukanda is no ronga part of the Rome Stachu.

MUGABE : It is not  Rome Stachu Museveni.It’s called Rome Statute

BENSOUDA : And you Mugabe. You are next after Museveni.

MUGABE : You can tell Ocampo am still camping here at the Zimbambwean State House .I’m still too young to step down .Ask my wife .Or better still you can come and see for yourself 

TRUMP: Bensouda please don’t waste your time speaking to these two dick-tetas.I will deal with them myself.

MUGABE : I cannot argue with someone who has invited a socialite to the White House to become the First Lady.

MUSEVENI : It is raik Magufuli making Wema Sepetu First Lady of Tanzania or Uhuru making Vera Sidika First lady of Kenya .In Africa socialites are for sponsorship programs onre.

TRUMP : For that reason  no foreign aid to Zimbabwe and Uganda.Middle Finger to you two.Raila see me in my inbox .Let’s talk about how to evict these Jubilee thieves out of State House.

RUTO : Hahahaha ! Hahahah ! .This is not America my friend.Hapa ni Uhuruto imeshikilia Bwana Trump.Wewe kwanza hufai kuongea mahali wanaume wanaongea.Unaregarega hapa ati ulishinda mwanamke.Huku Kenya ni mandume tupu.

TRUMP : Left group.

RUTO : … (Data bundles exhausted ,Hustler ast seen 2 minutes ago .Status reads , Mshamba akienda jiji asahau shamba yake mashambani basi hiyo tittle ndo si hu-deed it

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