Saturday 24 December 2016


Fighting couples

 By Mkikuyu Mjaka

Relationships come in many packages. Some too short, some quite long lasting while a good number full of jokers. Any serious woman would tell you that it takes any man to appear for a date in the name of an appointment but rather a real man to stick to the true values of what a lasting relationship requires. Romance doesn’t lie in the obvious things men do for love from dinner dates to shopping, swimming ,movies, selfie moments  , posh rides, expensive weddings  or even beach vacations but rather the little things men assume and take for granted . Yes you call her every two hours, text the whole night, send her credo ,visit each other and most often have pillow fights after couple showers but do you ever take your time to know more about what’s troubling her on the inside. Reminds me of the reason why most ladies usually prefer to spend more time with their BaeFF’s than sweet hearts. Bottom-line they choose to confide in such close friends because of the fear of unknown   . Maybe or maybe not you were too busy focusing on just but a part of her. All you know are her favourite food, joints, movies, kicks, wears e.t.c .How about when she wakes up with a swollen face probably because she didn’t get enough sleep last night reason being she had something unfolding up her sleeves but was never sure of whether to share it with you or not. I believe any sensitive man would not hesitate to use the common phrases such as “ Oh my God what happened to your face,can I get you an ice bag ?” and it stops there .she replies by saying “ Don’t mind ,I just didn’t have enough sleep “ .And then you go straight ahead to yester night’s favourite  Tv program just like that! Dude you are not straight. Come on she didn’t even have time to watch that comedy or fashion thingie you are talking about  because she was stressed up .About what? That should be your next question whether she mentions it or not. Women love stubborn guys. They are more open and comfortable to inquisitive people than just rather statues .Remember I used the word ‘inquisitive’ and not ‘nagging’ mark my words. Whenever you take your time to dwell more on what’s making your woman uncomfortable, there you go .You will be the right person ever to fit in her shoes. Leave alone her P**sy.
I believe it’s easier to say “Will you marry Me ?” than to say “ I’m pregnant “ or “ I think we need to get tested” .In short our men of today prefer a lot of show offs to just meeting life head on. Being real, gentle, having the caring heart and it doesn’t end there. Women are more attached to soul mates who mention doctors more often than they mention the barman or liqor brands . Men who are more approachable with more real life questions than just life’s   luxuries. When he is busy playing Fifa or betting ahead of the next international football match  on his handset  you are trying to put Google to task in trying to know more about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy or Sexually transmitted disease, how  to become a good wife, signs of a cheating husband or even barrenness .Trust me women have a lot in the head to deal with no wonder we cannot blame them much for the many mood swings they carry forward into a day even meant to turn out great. As a man you need to learn how to know your woman is upset. Learn to know when they are stressed and how to tell whether they had a great day or night. It’s called love-telligence.

For instance when a woman texts you with one word thrice, she is mood less. When she texts you with one letter, dude you need to apologize, it’s about you so find out where you went wrong. When she says “ we need to talk “ ,hurry up bro she needs the talk like yesterday .How you react to the talk determines the future of that relationship. It’s never about who paid  the bill or rather who was present at the board . A lot of men will not agree with me on this. It is easier for a man to jump from a relationship to the next but never easy for a woman to say “let’s call it quit” .Any woman who utters such words is always finding out whether you will agree to it or not. Now you are on the know .Send us an email via if you need us to spy on a cheating partner .

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